About us

Labotel is a solution service provider to contractors. Innovative and intelligent, and part of Al Otaiba Enterprises Chaired by Mr. Otaiba bin Saeed Al Otaiba. Labotel not only accommodates laborers by simply giving them beds to rest and sleep but the facility itself is built, and managed to support resident laborers with far beyond the average accommodation facilities. Labotel provides inclusive solutions by design. Our solution covers all the required value-added services and facilities, Clients require to support their workforce. Labotel works to free both the contractors and the laborers alike from all domestic burdens.

From Worksite to Living Space: The Evolution of Labor Camps over the Years


The term “Labor Camp” brings an image into the minds of people. It is of unhealthy, unhygienic, and cramped spaces. The laborers queuing in front of toilets, sharing a small living space and having a dark life. Everything has changed completely now. The arrival of Labotel and other similar elite labor accommodation providers led to the transformation.

You would be mesmerized by seeing our labor camp in Abu Dhabi. Spaciously built, as per the extant regulations of the UAE, facilitated with all the amenities for comfort, convenience, and entertainment, our labor village, Abu Dhabi has been one of the best. Offering affordable accommodations with all the facilities, Labotel became one of the leading accommodation services in Abu Dhabi.

Labor Camps Today

The looks and feel of labor camps in Abu Dhabi and other emirates have changed phenomenally. Mainly due to the strict directives from the authorities. Nevertheless, only a few top labor villages in Abu Dhabi, including Labotel, provide the best quality accommodation at reasonable rates.

The specialties of labor camps today are:

  • Meticulous adherence to health and hygiene standards, with the constant inspection of governmental authorities.
  • Dimensions of the labor camp in Abu Dhabi and other emirates are maintained as per the regulations in force.
  • Labor villages in UAE have all the requisite facilities for the comfortable and peaceful stay of the laborers.
  • Cleanliness is maintained by the labor accommodation service providers, preventing possible diseases due to untidy surroundings.
  • Construction of labor accommodations using prefabricated structures has made it easy to establish a labor camp anywhere on short notice. This has led to an increase in the number of labor accommodation services around the UAE. You are advised to inspect the labor village before concluding the agreement.

Although we state these points here, it is not the case with all the labor services in UAE. There are under-facilitated and improperly maintained labor camps as well. Those maintaining quality standards tend to quote a high amount as rent. By rendering the best services and offering competitive rent, Labotel acquired widespread acceptance. We are proud to be one of the leading labor villages in Abu Dhabi.

Pros and Cons of Labor Camps

The policy implemented by the labor ministry of UAE stipulates the provision of accommodation to the staff. All employers are supposed to pursue the policy directives meticulously. Accordingly, the companies can choose either accommodation allowance or provision of accommodation. As a matter of fact, it is better to choose labor accommodation than accommodation allowance.

 Pros of labor camps

  • Comfortable living space for the laborers without spending anything from their pocket
  • The company management does not have to worry about the accommodation facilities, as everything is ensured by the service provider
  • Employers can save on budget, at the same time, providing a serene living space to the team
  • Easy to manage transportation and other needs of employees as all are staying at the same location

Cons of labor accommodation

  • The employer must inspect and confirm the facilities available, hygienic conditions, space availability, etc before hiring a labor camp in Abu Dhabi or any other location.
  • An untidy or improperly maintained labor accommodation can cause frequent illnesses to the employees, affecting the productivity of the company.
  • Several labor villages in Abu Dhabi charge exorbitantly, quoting the amenities they offer. Only a few like Labotel offer reasonably priced labor accommodation in AU Dhabi.
  • Many labor camps are located in remote places, leading to difficulties in the transportation of the employees.

The Conclusion

Labor camps or labor villages have become a commonly accepted concept in the UAE. Companies turn to labor accommodation facilitated by trusted services like Labotel. To provide a comfortable life to their staff, without spending much.

For more info on our labor village in Abu Dhabi, you may give us a call right now.